- The News Herald interview > Oh, oh it’s magic – Dizzy Talking Magic – ‘The Illusionists — Live from Broadway’
- The Theatre Guide > ‘A Quick 5’ with Darren “Dizzy” Partridge, performer ‘The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays’
- The Beacon Journal interview > British illusionist ‘Dizzy’ puts thievery into magic
- The Lima Ohio News > The Illusionists go well beyond simple magic tricks
- Cirque Paris Review > “No disrespect to the other performers, but I thought Partridge’s antics stole the show”.
- Cleveland PlayHouseSquare > “we caught up with Darren “Dizzy” Partridge and Steve Valentine, two of the eight illusionists, to talk about the mind-blowing show.”
- Cirque Paris Review > The show is hosted by Darren “Dizzy” Partridge, who is a really gifted entertainer.
- Cirque Extreme Review > Dizzy is enormously talented with a variety of skills – and wonderfully energetic and FUNNY
- Le Grand Cirque Review Loved the comedian in between acts. He was hilarious!!
What Others are Saying
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“The Eldorado is delighted to announce that everyone’s favorite host from “Cirque Le Noir,” Darren “Dizzy” Partridge will return for “Cirque Paris.” As the host, Dizzy will leave you in hysterics as he guides you through the unimaginable to the unbelievable as the ultimate master of ceremonies.”
Senior Spectrum Publications
“The show is hosted by Darren “Dizzy” Partridge, who is a really gifted entertainer. What’s brilliant, is his ability transcends spoken languages. In fact, much of his dialogue is composed of basic words and gestures. And he SLAYS! He’s hilarious. If he doesn’t get you laughing at some point during the show, you have no soul. Partridge does a wonderful job of keeping the flow of the show moving (while the stage and performers are getting prepared), while really engaging the audience. He performs everything from slapstick-style comedy to some very impressive magic/illusion. I’d say he steals the show at times.”
Mike McDowell Reno Arts & Cuture
“Notable performances include Darren Partridge as ‘Dizzy’, who embodies the best of modern clown performances, and is an excellent source of inspiration for emerging artists. From the very opening of the show, Partridge entertains the audience with his giddy, happy-go-lucky attitude, taking advantage of both his quirky nature, and the reactions of the audience members he draws upon. Reshaping the traditional role of the ring-master, Partridge keeps the audience engaged, and laughing throughout.”
Canadian director and Reviewer for ArtsHub
“Now here was a real clown and mime artist. He had no red nose or huge shoes, but great mime skills, a terrific sense of humour and a few magic tricks. He kept the audience laughing as he covered technical breaks and equipment changes with jokes and audience participation. He also did an hilarious job with audience members”
Austrailian – The Bussiness Times
“The show began with an outstanding host, Darren “Dizzy” Partridge, who specialized in physical comedy and sleight of hand magic. No disrespect to the other performers, but I thought Partridge’s antics stole the show. At one point, he wrangled unsuspecting spectators for an impromptu Dating Game. Near the end of the show, he took hijinks to the max with an unconventional use of latex.”
Kyle Young
Dizzy Magic Reviews from Gig Salad
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